Monday, January 26, 2009

Ella's eye appointment

Today we had to take Ella to a pediatric optometrist for the lump above her left eye, which she has had now for about 2 months. The pediatrician had thought there were two possibilities: a clogged tear gland or a cyst. Well, today we learned the bad news... it IS a cyst. They will have to wait until Ella is at least 6 months old and then they will surgically remove it. Fortunately, these type of cysts are typically not cancerous and they will remove it in whole so that it will not have any chance to reform later. Of course, this is still a little scary for us, but, as the optometrist told us today, if this is the worst that ever happens to our little Ella, we should consider ourselves lucky. It is a simple outpatient procedure and should heal well (as it will be a cut on her eyebrow so the hair will grow in and the scar will not be noticeable later on). Our appointment will be on April 9, and she will have a follow up visit the following day (on Good Friday).

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