Saturday, February 6, 2010

I must be in Cicely, Alaska

Lately I feel like Chris (from Northern Exposure) when that creative/artistic bug hits. I just can't get enough!!! Completing Ella's pajamas and my first ever sewing machine project inspired something inside me. The last week I've been working like crazy to improve my sewing techniques and this bug just hit me!
I was rocking Ella to sleep for her afternoon nap thinking to myself that I would love to have a nice, soft book for Ella to use to help put herself to sleep for her nap. She does great at night to put herself to sleep, but nap time she still insists that I rock her to sleep. We go through this routine of reading 2-3 books, then we rock with her soft bunny blanket until she's asleep and I carefully lay her in her crib and go about with my chores around the house. I was thinking if she could just put herself to sleep with a book and her blanket, I would have another 30 minutes to my day to get some things done (in theory).
Thus came the BIG IDEA... there are these nice, soft, blanket like books called Taggies Books. Well, they are $13-15 each and I was not thrilled with the so-called stories in them. They consisted of a few words on each page and I just thought Ella would like something more to play with. So I decided to MAKE MY OWN!!!
Well, this idea just got bigger and bigger... I decided I didn't want to make a sleepy time book (we have a ton of those) or a numbers, colors, animal sounds, etc. books - plenty of all of these! What don't we have? A camping book! We keep telling Ella that we will take her camping once the temperature doesn't drop below 50 at night (se we have a while to wait), but she probably doesn't even know what camping is!
I plan to take photos of my book as it progresses so check back here for updates of my own Tagged blanket book. I've already made the cover and back and the first 3 pages. I'm so excited about how it's turning out that I can't put it down!!! Tonight was the first night in a couple of nights that Steve made me put down the material, pins, and thread...

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