Thursday, May 27, 2010

If it's not one thing, it's another...

Today Sophie learned a tough lesson - not to play in the woodpile!  A copperhead was lurching there and struck her on the nose.  This was about 10-15 minutes after I'd put Ella down for a nap so I had to quickly get the hurt dog and sleeping baby into the van and drive like crazy to our vet - who is normally 40-45 minutes away (I got there in about 30 minutes today).  By the time we got there, the right side of her face was already pretty swollen, but they took her right back and got going with some meds and we had to leave her there for about 5 hours for observation.  Poor thing is in a lot of pain tonight (despite the pain meds) and now we had to cancel our trip to the mountains to stay home and watch her for the next 2-3 days.

To the left, Sophie's good side.  To the right, her bad side - you can barely see the snake bite wound but the swelling is pretty bad.

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